Oil Filter Assembly
Oil filter assembly is the assembly for oil filter. The components are replacement filter and oil filter head. Usually we only change the spin-on filter or inside cartridge filter when the filter is clogged.
Full-flow lube filters receive nearly 100% of the regulated flow in an engine lube system. They provide essential protection for maximum cold flow performance and filter life. The oil filter assemblies are used to protect your lube system and keep your oil clean.
l Continuous Oil Purification
l Longer Oil Life, increase the life span of engine oil by reducing the contaminants in the oil.
l Longer Engine Life
l Improved Fuel Economy
l longer full flow filter life
l lower maintenance costs.
By-pass lube assembly product features a strong, durable head and by-pass (secondary) filter. It’s designed to divert a small portion (-10%) of the system’s oil flow back to the sump or oil pan before reaching the primary filter. This secondary system captures smaller contaminants than full-flow filters. Because of the increased efficiency, this filter will be more restrictive and should be located in a separate (by-pass) flowpath. On the upside, it gives you a much finer level of contamination control, keeping your oil and lube system clean.
l By-pass design for engine protection – removes smaller particulates than full-flow filters – no need for additional oil or oil changes can be reduced
l Easy to service, no special tools needed – removing and replacing spin-on filters is hassle free. By using filter wrench.
Oil Filter Assembly Parts
Diesel engine oil filter is a key component in lubrication system. When the oil flows through the engine, it will pick up debris, metal particles and other pollutants. Over time, the oil will become more and more dirty and start to lose the ability to clean and lubricate the engine.
Oil filter housing is located in the places that the oil and filter can be changed easily, usually on the top of the engine near the front or on the side of the engine. If the oil filter housing is impacted or otherwise cracked, or the mounting surface is warped, the engine oil will leak and the oil filter housing needs to be replaced.
Our Features
Our lube oil filter assemblies are engineered with a range of medias to provide the best performance, efficiency and dirt holding capacity with low pressure drop.
l Engineered cellulose and synthetic media.
l Produce superior strength to protect from pressure fatigue.
l Maximum flow rate: 91 -170lpm / 24-45 gpm
l Operating pressure: 1034 kPa / 150 psi
l Pressure relief valve ,Head includes a 1.72 bar / 25 psi relief valve
l Compatible with petroleum based fluids (hydrocarbon)
l Remote mount for ease of service – no special tools needed, filter wrench is ok
There are many reasons, if it is the oil filter leaking,Don’t stew, it’s an easy fix! Remove the oil filter and make sure there are no gaskets stuck on the oil filter flange. Fill the center of the new oil filter to to the top with fresh motor oil. Wipe the rubber gasket with with fresh oil. Tighten the new filter 3/4 of a turn after the gasket of the new filter seats on the motor.
If you have the funds available I would replace the whole assembly. If there haven’t been any leaks so far it is likely torqued correctly, but the next time you go to change the oil you will have to deal with it again.